Thursday, March 1, 2012


Sorry I havent posted an update in 2 months. Reason being is there is no updates.

Just weighed in for February. 347. Still. WTH?!

2 months I've been stuck at this number. I have been eating ok, in fact, I actually got my wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago so I hardly ate anything for like a week. I just don't get it.

I have 4 months to lose 47 pounds to meet my birthday goal. And I'm terrified there is no freaken way I'm going to be able to do it.

Failure. It's a crippling thing.

But I'm just going to try. Once weather warms up I can really kick things up. Or I can just say the hell with it and sign up for a gym membership already. I dunno. Thing is, I might be moving in a few months to live with my boyfriend (finally!) so a membership seems kinda silly.

I'm trying not to think about it tonight. Going to distract my mind.

1 comment:

Denise said...

If you do want to join a gym try to find one that has a location where you plan to move to as well. Then you can transfer the membership. Most Y's do not have contracts so you could join for a couple of months.